Remember, the top of the website should convey; I know your problem, I can fix your problem, Contact me. Be sure you do your best to convey those thoughts.
You can do this with a combo of graphics and words.
A dog trainer’s primary job is to fix a problem. In order to fix a problem, you need a person. So try to use pics of PEOPLE on your site. You are trying to convey you are a dog trainer, you can do that with a picture of a person interacting with a dog. Not just a dog and not just a person. A side view of a person and a dog in a sit or down gives the visitor the idea that you can do things with dogs they (the visitor) can’t. Most pet owners can’t get their dog to pay attention to them and that’s a big deal to them, right? Having a dog focused on a person conveys exactly what the visitor wants.Â
If you are a Dog Trainer looking for SEO help, Contact me!
Relate to your visitors, phrases like; does your dog not listen? does your dog jump? want your dog to listen? They should be YES answers to be positive and move the visitor into an action you want them to take.
Use a call to action, people need to be told what to do. You already have this using the contact us button. You can do more with phrases like; tell us about your dog, schedule your free consult now, take the first step, we can help contact us. WE can test different phrases after the site is live if you want.
In the navigation, try to use; home, about, puppy training, dog training, success stories, contact us. That way when it is read across, it says “dog training success stories” right in the top of the page. Don’t use the word testimonials. It doesn’t convey a good message like the word success. Plus, you can put any story in success stories, it doesn’t even have to be from a client. It could be a success you’ve experienced with a dog.
Use Dog Training, Puppy Training, not just the word Training. Initially people skim and you don’t want to miss out on conveying as much valuable info as possible, make sense? Its funny how many sites I see and the person doesn’t use DOG that much. Like they are a personal or firearms trainer…
The new built in block editor in wordpress allows for columns in the desktop version if you like. I like them b/c you can display packages as small/med/large When giving 3 choices and the right layout, people usually pick the middle or medium. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive.. In the mobile view EVERYthing is one column so its not that great an idea any more, but the idea is still can work.

This is a basic package not that appealing but cheap

This choice has lots of good stuff, more than the small plan but not expensive as the large plan

This has everything listed in the first choices PLUS long term benefits like lifetime free group classes and is very expensive which helps promote the medium choice.
Now here is the hard part, when you do a google search, you’ll only see the home page of a website displayed about 50% of the time. That means when someone searches for one of your services, they might NOT land on the home page. If they search for puppy training, they might land on the puppy training page. Right now If they search for board and train Seattle, they land on, NOT your home page. SO most ALL of the pages on the site (definitely the service pages) need to have the same above the fold design concepts.
Remember to use as few plugins as possible. The testimonials (success stories) can all be in a category like it is in and doesn’t need a separate plugin. Plugins are a weak link for wordpress security.