Google concepts and internet marketing are always changing! If you are a small business trying to keep up, get on your running shoes and let’s go!
If you look at Google search results, you will see results for whatever you type into the search bar. In my example I typed in the words “iphone 4.”
Note the different types of results you get! If you want to find your website on the first page of Google, you will need to have an understanding of SEO and internet marketing.
5 types of Google search results:
Paid Advertising – Also known as pay-per-click. This advertising costs money each time a user clicks on the ad. This can cost a lot of money if you are not certain what keywords are best to use. You can get a great ROI if marketed correctly.
- Organic – Organic results are free and results can linger. It takes knowledge, detail and expertise to comprehend the 200+ variables of search engine optimization. (SEO) Outsource this type of internet marketing to a reliable SEO company.
- News – These results are primarily newspaper sites and blog that follow specific criteria to be considered in the news category.
- Images – Add an image to your website and optimize your images with correctly added keywords to enhance the ability to have your images appear in image results.
- Video – Take advantage of video marketing! It’s smart to add optimized videos to Youtube. (Although there are many other video websites.)
If you are a small business with a physical address, make sure to take advantage of all the internet marketing available to you! How do you market your business? Do you know how many ways you can promote your small business?
There are many factors that make up Google concepts and internet marketing. Google’s information is free! Make sure to use good SEO concepts and internet marketing concepts to make your web business a success!