To help in google we want to add as much written content to your site as we can. To help make that easier, I recommend using the testimonial idea but calling it Success Stories. That allows you to add to the testimonial sent from a client (or you can write it based only on your experience with a dog and not use a testimonial). Keep in mind, we want to make sure each success story (or article) includes; a location around you, dog breeds, dog behavior issues and a picture. My thought is that writing what you did, is easier then writing dog training articles.
Here is an example with explanations:
The Title should be catchy and show you fixed a problem. There is no SEO benefit to it being the dog’s or person’s name. Here is an example:
“Now Fido Doesn’t Jump” or “Now Fido Listens!” or “We Can Walk Down The Street Again”.
The first pp explains where the dog came from (location), mentioning breeds (gsd) and the problems (pulls on leash, doesn’t listen, etc)
Recently a client from Denver brought his 3 yr old German shepherd to us because it pulled on the leash, barked at other dogs and didn’t seem to listen at all.
The second pp is about what you do to fix the problem. This is where you basically recall and explain what you did, like a diary. This is where you can talk about your methods and tools… Expound on what you use or don’t use and why.

We placed the German Shepherd in our 2 month board and train where we used whatever method we normally do to fix problems. (This is where you try to expound on the magic of what you do.
The next pp can be the testimonial that the client sent. The great part of using success stories is that you dont really need a testimonial from a client .You can just write all you want about your experiences.
This is what the client had to say after bringing his dog to us; I brought my dog to us and they corrected all my dogs problems and I learn a lot at the same time. I highly recommend them.
– Mr. Client
Richmond, VA.
Then you can add a closing pp which repeats some of the important words
Now Mr. Client can go back to Denver and enjoy walking his dog and not have to worry about it not listening (you can add more of the benefits here).
So this is what it could look like put together:
Recently a client from Richmond brought his 3 yr old German Shepherd to us because it pulled on the leash, barked at other dogs and didn’t seem to listen at all.
We placed the German shepherd in our 2 month board and train class. Like most of our board and train clients we used a remote collar because we feel it is the best way to communicate to a dog. All our remote collars are set to the very minimum to get the dogs attention, they are not ever used to punish or hurt the dogs. Using the remote collar we can get the dogs attention and help him learn to focus on his owner and not be distracted by anything else going on…
This is what the client had to say after bringing his dog to us; I brought my dog to us and they corrected all my dogs problems and I learned a lot at the same time. I highly recommend them.
– Mr. Client
Denver, CONow Mr. Client can go back to Richmond and enjoy walking his dog and not have to worry about it not listening.