So this week we’ve worked our way up through the most important parts of marketing a dog training business…
What you offer (your programs and prices), your sales process (what you say when people contact you), your website content (and getting more people to contact you once they find you)…And now we’re at the top… getting people to find out you exist. It’s been something the 70+ dog trainers in the group have been looking forward to all week, and it’s here…Tonight.
Make sure you’re in the group so you can watch live or the recording later…You’ll ALSO want to be in there for tomorrow anyway because day FIVE of the classes will be including several things that no one else will get to find out (including some giveaways).
See you there! 🙂 Molly
PS – just a reminder too that if the classes aren’t for you… (you don’t like my jokes, you don’t think you learn enough, or you don’t think even the downloadable programs/selling/website checklists alone are worth the $37), just email me and I’ll happily give you a refund.
PPS – Deadline to join at all (and get permanent access to the recordings) is coming up tomorrow. So just do it now before you forget. You can always listen later when you have more time.