A recent example of companies successfully using social media would be a longtime, popular brand named Chef Boyardee. It’s founder opened a factory to make pasta back in the 1920’s. Today, this company is known for making canned pasta. Chef Boyardee was very popular in my childhood. All of my childhood friends ate ravioli! Didn’t you? 🙂
As can happen with older companies, Chef Boyardee needed to revive their name and products. They requested help from a social media marketing company. The campaign consisted of getting 10,000 people from an online community to host Chef Boyardee’s parties. They specifically targeted moms looking for a quick meal, enjoyed eating meals with their family, and were social media users. Throughout the campaign, moms were invited to posting party ideas on social media sites. (Posting to a party blog, uploading photos and videos, downloading fun party favors and also participating in polls.) This excitement helped increase awareness and increased the number of people involved in this social media campaign!
On Chef Boyardee’s big party day, more than 126,000 people gathered in homes across the country to try fun recipes that were created. The results? Measured by website traffic, social media posts and various surveys, the results exceeded campaign expectations! Good customer service through social media allows your customers to grow and flourish! The number of people participating in the party went from 10,000 to 126,000 people!
Companies successfully using social media can also see a good return on investment! (ROI) In this specific case, Chef Boyardee’s 8-week campaign generated a 143% increase in gross profit! No one can deny the success and ROI of this social media marketing!
To read the entire press release, click here: Chef Boyardee’s 8 week social media campaign.